If you sense that the world is in crisis, you’re not alone. 

As the systems at the heart of our society continue to break down, we find ourselves at a crossroadsβ€”continue as we are, or find ourselves in some variation of Orwellian dystopia.

Drawing inspiration from Daniel Schmachtenberger's concept of the Third Attractor and Charles Eisenstein's vision of A More Beautiful World, I believe it’s possible for a Third Path to emerge β€” an opportunity to redefine our priorities and completely reimagine the systems that govern our society.  

Third Path is my way of helping forge this new way forward. I hope that among my offerings, you will discover something that inspires and empowers you in the same way that so many others have done for me.

Hi, I’m Brandi

I'm an executive business partner with 20 years of experience in establishing early-stage startup operations & providing executive support to startup founders. Passionate about creating a better world for all beings, I work exclusively with impact-driven leaders who are committed to using business as a force for good.

As Chief of Staff at GeniusVets and Genius Platforms, I oversee company operations and provide thought partnership & high level administrative support to our CEO.

I am also a digital content creator, community builder, and humane educator, focused on addressing the systemic issues of the metacrisis through conscious business leadership, earth stewardship, and mindful consumption.

When not at my desk, I can be found at an animal sanctuary, immersed in nature, or enjoying a thought-provoking podcast.

➀ Career Highlights:

βœ… Built the operational framework for four startups

βœ… Played a key role in navigating four companies through M&A

βœ… Designed & implemented foundational people programs & playbooks spanning all areas of operations

βœ… Directed the recruitment, training, and development of hundreds of remote team members worldwide, with many rising to executive-level roles

βœ… Developed and expanded strategic relationships with numerous Fortune 500 brands

βœ… Founded one of the largest online military spouse communities

My Story

I have always been highly sensitive to the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and our natural world. In some of my earliest memories, I recall having a visceral reaction to the themes in Charlotte's Web and Fern Gully, fully aware that slaughter, animal testing, and deforestation were neither fictional nor inconsequential.

My sensitivities faded as societal pressures nudged me toward a conventional definition of success. Although I became successful by all outward metrics, the first part of my life was marked by a deep restlessness that intensified as my material success grew.

In 2020, I moved from Southern California to a rural suburb in Florida, known for its β€œOld Florida” quaintness, lush forests, and wildlife. Not knowing better at the time, I chose to live in an HOA community, where large chemically treated lawns accounted for most of the green space. I followed this same approach until I stumbled upon Doug Tallamy’s book Nature’s Best Hope. This book changed the way I viewed the purpose of my garden and ultimately changed the way I viewed my role as a citizen of this planet. Little by little, I started to replace my lawn with native plants. And, little by little, I saw a flourishing ecosystem take hold.

This opened my eyes to how much of an impact I could have β€” and how much impact we can all have β€” on whether life thrives or not.

My heart broke over the next three years as I witnessed our county become one of the fastest-growing counties in the United States. Knowing that overdevelopment is happening is one thing; witnessing it first-hand is entirely different. It was deeply distressing to see ancient ecosystems burned to the ground, leaving behind countless animals in a state of confusion and struggle for survival.

This heightened my awareness of environmental degradation on a global scale. As I began to understand the driving forces behind the numerous crises we’re experiencing, I came to understand the metacrisis. I also found growing network of concerned citizens who are daring to re-imagine what’s possible for our civilization.

My work is dedicated to helping build this momentum within my little corner of the world. That is the purpose of this site and the work I do with organizational leaders who, for better or worse, wield significant influence in our world.

Personal Values

  • Stewardship of Life

    I believe in the intrinsic value and interconnectedness of all life. I take seriously my personal responsibility of nurturing, protecting, and preserving it.

  • Stewardship of Wisdom

    I am committed to nurturing collective intelligence through education and empowerment.

  • Optimistic Resilience

    I am inspired to actively contribute to the creation of a more beautiful world, despite challenges and adversity.